Losing Weight Fast - The Safe Way!
Our fluctuating and erratic lifestyles have lead many of us to become overweight. Lack of time to plan our meals or exercise all inadvertently lead to piling up of those extra pounds that are the hardest to shed off.
The age of the Internet has provided us with a means to search and pick a weight loss plan that suits our lifestyle best. The first step on your journey to weight loss should be to sift through the numerous weight loss options online and earmark a few. Once the chosen few have been selected the next logical step should be to consult a physician. A medical practitioner would be the right authority to critically analyze the various weight loss options. He/she would also be briefing you about the pros and cons of each diet that would help you to weigh your decisions in a new light.
This careful analysis will also help you in the long run, you would be assured that the plan that you are opting for would not only be medically safe but would also amount to losing weight safely and permanently.
The path to weight loss should be a gradual and steady one and keep in mind the following guidelines.
Include More Proteins in Your Diet
While most of us are always trying to be super human trying to fit in as many chores in a days time, our diet is the most neglected. Eating without caring for the right proportions of nutrients can negate our physical wellness.
While all nutrients- carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals are critical for our health, proteins play a major role in helping us cut down fats. The reason being: proteins help us build muscles and muscles are fat burners.
Good sources of proteins are tuna fish, sprouts, lean meats. You can have one protein rich meal each day and alternate it with other foods so that you don't feel bored and your body also gets plenty of other nutrients as well.
Lift Weights to Lose Weight
No one wants you to become a professional weight lifter and off course you are not supposed to look huge with enormous biceps. You just have to lift weights that tone up your muscles and put them in fat burning mode. Lack of physical activity over a period of time can make the muscles lose their full potential. Start with lifting a 3-5 pound weight, a full water bottle would be the perfect to start with.
Hold the bottle and lift up your arm at elbow so that the bottle or weight comes up to your shoulders. Repeat the exercises 5 to 10 times. Gradually as your body gets accustomed to these exercises you can have sets of 3. Simple exercises like curls are very effective to get rid of those saggy arms.