Sticking to Your Weight Loss Goals

Everyone has started many different weight loss programs, whether they are diet programs or exercise routines, with the plan on completing them and making a great strides toward reaching their weight loss goals. Yet very few people ever fully achieve these goals and drop out of their diet or exercise routine - Why? Because they start these programs without a destination or roadmap to get achieve these goals.

Wait - you say I don't have a destination in mind, but I have a goal. That is right, what I mean by a destination is a definite point to be reached. Most people start these programs with very vague goals.

· I want to lose weight to look better
· I am going to exercise to tone my muscles
· I want to be a head turner
· I want to be proud of how I look
· I want to have more energy
· And on and on...

These are not defined enough to be a destination. A destination is a place that you know you have arrived when you reach it. A destination is

· I want to lose 20 lbs.
· I want to reduce my body fat by 10%
· I want to weigh 150 lbs.
· I want to run a mile under 5 minutes

When you have a true destination, then you can start down the road because you now know where you are headed, but wait that is not enough. You still need a road map to be able to reach your destination. So what is this road map? Is it the exercise routine, the diet program, etc. - no these are the methods of heading down the road like a car or bicycle, but they are not the map.
The road map is a listing of closer destinations that you can reach sooner and lead you in the direction of your final destination - like if your destination is losing 20 lbs. then your road map is losing 5 lbs within the first 2 weeks, another 5 lbs the following 2 weeks, and on and on until you achieve your true destination.
So what happens if you deviate from your roadmap? The same thing that you need to do

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