Top Chiropractor In North Royalton Helps Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sufferers Return To Work

By Hans Gerhard

A prominent North Royalton chiropractor provides pain relief for those stricken with carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve that passes through the wrist to innervate the hands and fingers becomes compressed. Signs are pain, tingling and numbness.

Eight bones form a tunnel in the wrist. The median nerve will be impeded if that tunnel narrows for any reason. There can be swelling around the carpal bones that cause it to become narrowed.

Nerves pass through the wrist to activate the hand. Repetitive movements over time cause this painful condition. Someone might no longer be able to play the piano. A job that involves typing on a computer may be lost.

The age group that is likely to develop CTS is from thirty to sixty. It is more common among women. Also, an individual with diabetes, hypothyroidism or connective tissue disease has a higher risk of developing the condition.

When the hurting interferes with a job, the individual may have to stop working. Fortunately, chiropractic care can alleviate the pain without prescription medication or an invasive procedure. A first appointment is the first step on the road to improvement.

During that first appointment, you will be questioned about the pain. Your examination will include tests to assess the strength of the hands. An x-ray and MRI may help in the evaluation. A care plan will be designed to fit your symptoms.

A series of spinal adjustments may reduce the hurt. Ultrasound, soft tissue massage and wrist splints are methods that have been successful. Manipulation of the elbow and wrist also provide relief from pain.

Chiropractic care is beneficial. The results usually last six months. After that, an office visit should be made twice per year to maintain the results. It may be possible to return to your place of employment.

Maintenance advice includes limiting activity that asserts pressure on the wrists and hands. This may aggravate them all over again. If typing on the job is required, step away from the desk periodically to stretch the hands and fingers.

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