Shedding Light On Laser Hair Removal Atlanta GA

By Jose Baker

For a long time, the female gender has been seeking a pain free and lasting hair removal answer. They attempted nearly all types of methods but none of them offered a permanent solution. Although these traditional techniques have not had the best results, laser hair removal Atlanta GA is an interestingly new entrant with satisfying results.

When calibrated correctly, lasers focus on melanin. When melanin is found, the machine focuses energy down to the follicle of the hair causing damage and ultimately the inability of the follicle to re-grow new hair. All machines employed use the same basic principle for their intended purpose, but there are many different methods to get there. From Alexandrite crystal focused to CO2 fraxelated lasers; there are many options for your provider to choose from. This is not really a concern for you though. Their experience and ability to properly fire the machine is a concern for you.

This is the explanation why clients with fair skin and dark curls are often thrive the most. If the skin tone and curls color are too alike, the lasers are unable to distinguish between the skin and curls. A special long wave is ideal for dark curled, dark skinned candidates. The machine destroys the follicle to a place that cannot be repaired, and curls no longer grow in that area. Once the follicle is eliminated, the skin starts to close and will create a smooth surface above the skin.

While the laser is thorough, it only successful on hair that is actively growing. At whatever time, a certain portion of the curls on your body are in what is can be referred to as a dormant state. The procedure will not entirely rid of those curls, which is the explanation why more procedures are needed in order to fully eliminate all curls from the treated area.

Cosmetic aesthetic services can be performed by a multitude of different level providers from Medical Estheticians to Physicians. That is really not to say one is better than the other. Any provider that is not a Physician must be overseen by one.

Myth 4: The Procedure Only Works On Face. Lasers can be used on almost any part of the body, from face to chest and back to arms and legs. On body, you can effectively use them to get rid of unwanted curls from neck, hands, feet, arms, legs, chest, back, abdomen and thighs. Under arms and bikini areas are among the most commonly treated areas. The only limitation about lasers is that they are not recommended for treatments around the eyes, as it can be dangerous.

Myth 5: Everybody Gets the Same Results. Still a myth or propaganda of providers. Results of the procedure vary greatly from one person to another depending upon the skin color and the color, type and texture of the curls you want to get removed. Light colored curls respond the least to beams. On the other hand, thick and coarse dark curls are best treated with lasers as they absorb maximum heat energy transmitted by beams. A person with dark curls and light skin is considered as an ideal candidate for this.

After the follicle is spoiled beyond repair, the procedure is eternal. These will stop re-growing and the curls will also follow suit. It is vital to note that this will not damage the skin. Rather, it will continue to close and the skin will cover around the area leaving a smooth surface where the curls once grew.

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